Welcome to O'Keeffe!




Whether you’re new to O’Keeffe or new to the PTG, we would like to give you a warm welcome! The O’Keeffe Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is an all volunteer organization that’s mission is to serve the O’Keeffe community, the surrounding neighborhood, the greater MMSD and beyond… learn more

On the “School Links” page we’ve provided some links that we feel will be good resources for O’Keeffe Middle School families. If you have a link you would like to share, please email us via the online contact form. Please make sure to provide your contact information so that we can thank you for the link! … learn more

Like many members of the surrounding community, many members of the O’Keeffe PTG are involved in Social Action. While it’s not essential to be a social activist to be a member of the PTG, we, as a group, are making a concerted effort to make sure that all voices are heard and all people are supported… learn more

Looking for a way to support O’Keeffe students and staff? Click to view items requested by the O’Keeffe staff for the classroom and/or for student activities. When you check out the Wish List, make sure to view the “Thank you!” list!

If you are an O’Keeffe staff member, PTG member, a student or family member of an O’Keeffe student, you are eligible to apply for a PTG grant. Click “learn more” below to be directed to the Grant Request Form. 

Below please find a quick link to the MMSD Infinite Campus Login Website. Both the Parent/Student Portal Login and the Staff Portal Login are available on that page as other helpful MMSD website links.