Welcome to O'Keeffe!



About the PTG

The mission of the O’Keeffe PTG goes beyond the confines of the school and reaches into the neighboring community, the greater MMSD and beyond. Our tag line, “O’Keeffe Parent Teacher Group… Looking out for one another” is not just a sentiment… learn more

The O’Keeffe PTG has been an organized group since 1985. The numbers have varied from year to year with 2019 being one of the most active years to date. With membership on the rise, we’re attempting to reach even a broader, more diverse community… learn more

The O’Keeffe PTG has an all volunteer board of directors. The leadership at each meeting is in place to represent, facilitate and connect people of all backgrounds and levels of interest. In addition to a board of directors, the O’Keeffe PTG has an… learn more